When I was in Chiloé, I visited Cucao’s National Park, a
place devastating for fire show us trees and landscapes burned. However, sector
had so many woody roads, and some of them was covered by canopy of different trees.
I went in the morning with my friends, we walk around all over the Park.
We were camping in a Camping Zone next to National Park.
That day the Park was full. A lot of people went to this place, for over the
world, I was really exciting because I only had visited another 2 National Park
in my University’s summer clases: National Park: Puyehue and Alerce Andino, the
first located in Puyehue town and the other in Puerto Montt city.
If you asking me which one was my favorite, I could not say.
Every single place had a unique beauty, a
some magic secret within and I love them equally. I’m very sad when people no
take care this places, there are thash everywhere, food, even clothes spread
all over. I really hope people’s mind change with respect to this, and finally
they can see the damaged we cause to nature.
Anyway, I would be happy to visit this places again, and I
really do it son.
Read you! J
I really want to go to Cucao's National Park! looks so beautiful.