lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate studies

Well, you already know that I love plants, right? I suppose you can imagine what I want study after.  I don’t really know exactly what I want, but I know that I will be botanic and I will describe plants and their distribution, form, qualities, analyze stomata, and investigate all the things that plants have.
My first goal is studying a genus of plants called Chusquea, known as American bamboo. This genus is located in Chile from fifth region to south. I want decribe it in Region Metropolitana first, and later describe it for all over the country. Yes, it’s a hard and difficult work because this plants looks similar each other.
When I did this, I will continue with another genus of plants, I really love them, you know? I can’t imagine my future life doing other things, studying other stuffs. I will definitely do this.
But, if I had to choose a Postgrade it be something associated whit ecology, studying, maybe, pollinators, and relationship between plant-animal or perhaps ways to determinated species of plants to distinguish of rest species from the same genus.

I want to continue in Chile until knowing most species of plants that there are here, just in that moment I will think about going to other places, first south-america, then England and the rest of the world, learning about plants that I even heard before.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

Future Job

This is about future job that I would like do.

When I was child I wanted to be Archeologist, traveling all over the world looking for treasures from different cultures and nations.  Nothing is change about traveling, but change the job while I was growing. Other job that I wanted did was been an actor. That was a very important moment of my life, its means a lot for me. I love movies, I like drama, psychologist Thrillers, and I wanted to act in films, in theaters, cross the country showing my play. I think art jobs are amazing, they’re difficult but are great after all. Despite I never liked maths and science, now I want to be Botanic, because I realized that I love plants, and flowers, and they’re forms and colors, and their smell, everything, and I want to know more of them. This have two parts, the first part is go somewhere looking for plants, describing the area, like altitude, and the other plants that around over the place. Then we can take plants that we ever seen before for carry on to our lab. This is the second part, analyzing plants and using them for any purpose we want, like see their genetic material or the form that has their leaves. I really love that job, I like study very much about things I love.

That’s all for today. Read you! J

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

National Park

When I was in Chiloé, I visited Cucao’s National Park, a place devastating for fire show us trees and landscapes burned. However, sector had so many woody roads, and some of them was covered by canopy of different trees. I went in the morning with my friends, we walk around all over the Park.

We were camping in a Camping Zone next to National Park. That day the Park was full. A lot of people went to this place, for over the world, I was really exciting because I only had visited another 2 National Park in my University’s summer clases: National Park: Puyehue and Alerce Andino, the first located in Puyehue town and the other in Puerto Montt city.

If you asking me which one was my favorite, I could not say. Every single place had a unique beauty,  a some magic secret within and I love them equally. I’m very sad when people no take care this places, there are thash everywhere, food, even clothes spread all over. I really hope people’s mind change with respect to this, and finally they can see the damaged we cause to nature.

Anyway, I would be happy to visit this places again, and I really do it son.

Read you! J