martes, 14 de julio de 2015


Into the woods i knew all kind of stuffs, shadows things around me. Everything was disgusting. Every moment was sadly. I felt all the pain enclosed in every living thing. All the tales, all the damn tales were here, like they flying in my mind. I could not stop thinking … in die, in pain, the pain I've caused to the world, to my friends, my family.
I don’t know where I am now, where is the way, the way of truth , the way out of painful. Everything is redundant. I feel the death close, so close. The tear will never be the solution, it’s just a cloistered. I feel the words burn in my bloodstream, her words is ink in my skin to remaind me the mistakes I 've made before. The worst is I suffer because I remember them, I suffer because I forgotten them.
Now I’m into the Forest of Redemption.

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